Ramazan Fatih KARADENIZ


Passionate about learning. Quickly fixing minor issues and always searching for a better way. A clear understanding of algorithms and training in more complex ones. Open for new skills.


  • Solidity - Excellent

  • Blockchain Fundamentals - Excellent

  • Web3.js & Ethers.js - Excellent

  • Machine & Deep Learning - Excellent

  • React - Very Good

  • Python - Very Good

  • Java - Very Good

  • Data Science - Very Good

  • C - Good

  • C# - Good

  • Languages - Turkish (Native), English(Very good)


Blockchain Developer

Full-stack (Remote)

I'm a certified Blockchain Developer. I have deployed over 50+ smart contracts on the "Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, AVAX, POLYGON" blockchains. I have done security audits of over 100+ smart contracts and prevent many scams and rugs. I have developed 10+ Decentralized Web3 Applications about Dex, Staking, Bridge, Migration, Lottery etc. I am an experienced solidity developer and also I can write backend applications with Node.js, Python, Rest API, MongoDB. I can write web3 applications with JavaScript, React, Web3.js, Web3.py, Ethers.js. I can write automation tools with python and I have knowledge of network protocols, proxies etc.

(Feb. 2022 - Presence) Paris / France

Huawei Intern

Ar-Ge (Remote)

I learned about cloud computing, web-app development, and the alternative MVC structure which is used by Huawei. In addition, I learned about cyber security and user privacy protection before I start coding in the cloud system.

(August 2021 - Sep. 2021) Istanbul / Turkey

Unity Developer

  • I made my first game in 2019. The game was from a Youtube tutorial series. In the tutorial, you control a moving box and try not to hit obstacles. In addition, added a gold gain system and market by myself.

  • The other game that I made is a stacking game. There is a moving object and the main block. You have to click the right time when the object is just above the main block. I also added encouraging text animations when the player makes perfect clicks in a row.

PHP Developer

  • I made a blog‑like site about the games that I am playing when I was in high school. Used a template for CSS design and I used PHP for database connection. It was my first website and I also tried to make it interactive using Java-Script. I have never published it.


Dokuz Eylul University

Computer Science

(Sep. 2017 ‑ June 2022) Izmir, Turkey

Yildiz Technical University

Computer Engineering

  • FARABI Student Exchange Program.

(Sep. 2019 - June 2020) Istanbul, Turkey

Extracurricular Activity



  • I learned how to design objects in Blender for my games from YouTube. After I’ve learned this I helped my friends with their games. I designed basic things like bowling pins. Then I made some animations such as raining bubbles.